The Origin Of Challenge Coins

A challenge coin is a small coin or medallion, bearing an organization's insignia or emblem and carried by the organization's members. Historically, challenge coins were presented by unit commanders in recognition of special achievement by a member of the unit. They could also be exchanged in recognition of visits to an organization.

Modern day challenge coins may feature popular culture attributes or organizational values. Modern challenge coins are made in a variety of sizes and are often made using popular culture references, including superheroes and other well-known characters in a way that creates a parody.


The origin of challenge coins is traced back to Ancient Rome, The Roman Empire rewarded soldiers by presenting them with coins to recognize their achievements. In Rome, if soldiers excelled in battle one day, they would receive their typical day's wages along with a separate bonus coin each. According to some accounts, these bonus coins were specially minted, featuring the marks of the legions from which they came. As a result, some soldiers apparently kept their coins as mementos, instead of spending them.

No matter where the coins originated, challenge coins have become a symbol of fellowship and solidarity among military personnel and other groups. Keep reading as we look more into the challenge coins' history, what they are for, and why they are called challenge coins.


There are many finishes available—from a simple pewter to 24K gold. While there are only a few base metals, the patina (finish) can range from gold, silver, or nickel to brass, copper, or bronze—plus the antiqued variations. Soft or hard enamel or a printed inset with an epoxy coating may add color (the epoxies are often more resilient and scratch resistant than the metal surfaces).


Besides using coins for challenging, they are also used as rewards or awards for outstanding service or performance of duty. As such, they are used as a tool to build morale. Military officials occasionally give them to non-military personnel for outstanding service or rewards, like the case of student athletes at Northeastern University.


Outside the military

Challenge coins are also exchanged outside the military.the NFL, cadets of the Civil Air Patrol, Eagle Scouts, Canine Companions, and World Series of Poker all have their own challenge coins.They are also becoming popular with police departments, fire departments and fraternal organizations.Many non-profits, especially those with connections to the military, give challenge coins to donors to acknowledge their support of the organization. 

Companies and corporations have also adopted challenge coins as a way to reward and recognize employees for their contributions, as well as to build camaraderie among employees.

Sports teams, schools, and universities often use challenge coins to commemorate championships, milestones, and special events.

Political campaigns and advocacy groups also use challenge coins to raise funds, promote their cause, and engage their supporters.

Some collectors buy them for their numismatic value.In recent years, challenge coins have become popular collectibles, with people seeking out unique and rare designs to add to their collections. Regardless of their intended purpose, challenge coins represent a rich history and traditions within the various groups they represent.

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